Friday, December 7, 2007

Oregon Shrimpers first in the world to receive International Certification

In an awesome bit of news, the Oregonian reports that Oregon shrimpers have been certified by the international Marine Stewardship Council for their sustainable and eco-friendly fishing methods.

Does this mean there is no damage from their shrimping? No, but it does mean they are trying, give a shit, and are working to find a balance that for fishermen and the resource itself. Bycatch is a horrendous problem with the shrimping industry, so anything done to eliminate it is fantastic in my book.

I was going to include a picture of bycatch from shrimping, but found it too disturbing/depressing to force upon ya'll.

So, any Oregonians reading this need to know that there will be a blue label on Oregon-caught shrimp now. If you choose to buy it, you will not only be buying local but also supporting an industry that's trying to go in the right direction.

Enjoy the incremental improvements,



Anonymous said...

Thanks for passing this along, wanted to say too, Hi!
Came across you via Orblogs, Palouse too, great reads and a daily stop.
Have a good weekend, T

Iciyapi Tate said...

that is sweet, i am glad they are making this less destructive.
of course i think eating shrimp is disgusting, but hey what are ya gonna do

Bpaul said...

rider, welcome. Wow, a daily stop that rocks.

Unfortunately, the comments are acting weird right now so can't see your profile. If you have a blog going on post it for me would you I'd like to check it out.

Well met.

Tate, you crack me up. LOL.