Wednesday, December 5, 2007

California "winter" on Geese Aplenty

Geese Aplenty is a blog I somehow stumbled up on a few months ago. The guy occasionally posts real gems of writing, and today's was particularly good. For anyone who has lived in California or has visited there during the winter, you will be able to relate.

The post is about California and its "winter."

Here's some of the post:

California has no idea what real seasons are, and it will never know because it’s separated from them by thousands of miles. It has no idea that elsewhere in the country, the leaves turn so bright and vivid that they look as though they’re on fire. It doesn’t know that if you stand in a certain place at just the right time, the air smells of apple cinnamon. It doesn’t know that when the storms start to hit, the days become as hard and cold as a runway model’s face.

Enjoy those random strangers with whom you share untoward hobbies,


1 comment:

Catherine Just said...

yep it's true. It has been 70 degrees all year accept for the 2 days of rain we've had which flipped everyone out including me.