Sunday, November 25, 2007

Texting The Wife from a late night study session

There's this game that happens when I'm wearing down and getting tired from studying, where I occasionally try to abash the wife with untoward text messages. Usually, the response is either silence, or "BAH" or "You are SO weird."

Last night, however, she had been drinking wine and watching some medieval religious thriller thingy of a movie. Her response was unprecedented.

"What are you wearing right now?"

"The blood of the heathen gods smeared across my soot blackened loins; brow and small of back oily with citrus, ginger, and gold. You?"

I had been duly, resoundingly, and completely outclassed. I conceded defeat immediately.

Enjoy your study diversions, and celebrate your mate,



Anonymous said...

umm, er, uh, ...

Bpaul said...

Yeah, she made me blush too LOL.

Katye said...

Well if YOU had just seen the movie *I* had seen, you would have answered that question the same way.


Catherine Just said...


Anonymous said...

OK, now I have to know -- what was the movie? Is it on Netflix?


Bpaul said...

It is on netflix, it is called The Reckoning. Got less than mediocre reviews from T. and The Wife. Bad script... some interesting moments, but still. Some badass yoga was mentioned (??, in medieval europe?)

Iciyapi Tate said...


Katye said...

Willem Dafoe = hot


Iciyapi Tate said...

willem dafoe????? WTF
Mike Rowe=HOT
Daniel Craig=HOT

Katye said...

There is a very complicated equation in my world that multiplies magnetism by the square root of talent divided by ambition, takes the sum to the 13th power and adds it to the sum of visionary idealism plus mysticism times karma (dash of jello) and you get the REAL answer which, my dear, IS (in fact)...

Willem Dafoe = hot.

Trust me on this.

Bpaul said...

Wow, she kicks down the secret formula.... I always wondered.

Shocho said...

I remember a couple of evenings raiding when Katye showed up late and... well, let's just say that nothing would surprise me at this point.

Ha! I kid because I love... :)

Iciyapi Tate said...

OK drink a few more, make up some more of your crazy formulas and enjoy Willem. in the meantime i will continue drooling over Mike and Daniel.
my formula, cute divided by muscles add sexiness. look at talent and think hmmmm would that matter if they were stripping for me??? realize "not at all"... enjoy nasty thoughts

Catherine Just said...

hahaha. I agree with Katye
willem dafoe= HOT HOT HOT
for all the reasons she mentions.....


Katye said...

Atta girl there CtheG!

/punt Cait!