Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Artist Walton Ford -- Audubon meets Hieronymus Bosch


I ran across this first image in a magazine after the exam this morning (it went fine, we can all relax now) and had to know who this guy was. Walton Ford is his name and his art absolutely intrigues me.

His realism is reminiscent of Audubon (purposefully, it seems), but the subtext of most all of his paintings are at lightest political satire, at harshest condemnation of colonial/imperialist policies [in truth, I had hoped this would be a light post sans politick, but such is the material that catches my eye lately].

In his Art:21 site bio you can find many more pictures, some interviews and possibly some insight into his process. I think his work is staggeringly good, so here are a few I grabbed for your enjoyment.

"The Red Kite"

"His Chaplain"

"Dying Words"

Enjoy the tenuous beauty of it all,



4 said...

I want a print of "Last Words"...

Bpaul said...

Dude, I just check the price on his newest BOOK.


It was prohibitive, to say the least.

Hope his prices come down for us proles in the near future, I'd love some of this stuff in my house. The more I see the more I like.

Catherine Just said...

that stuff is CRAZY good. I just love it. thank you for posting it. It's inspiring.

4 said...

Ctheg: You've got power lounging as one of your interests, and that rules.

Bpaul said...

She is, in fact, the best :-)

Bird of Paradise said...

Both Bosch and Audubon seem to have a interest in birds although some 400 years seprated them both and the birds bosch came up with might be used in some sci fi or a star trek or star wars movie