Sunday, November 18, 2007

Physical impossibility experienced upon awakening

So I woke up this morning, and the sheets and blankets were all in their usual spot... over on The Wife's side of the bed. I had a sheet and 1/2 of a wool blanket, the other wool blanket, and the quilt were all scrunched over on her side.

This is normal, and to be expected. As we all know, The Wife is ectothermic, and derives her heat from outside sources. This is her special super power in the hero team that is our marriage, she is Ambient Temperature Girl. Combined with Thermonuclear Boy, much crime fighting gets done.

Here's the thing. The Wife is in Washington right now helping out with a Waldorf School fund raiser for The Good Reverend's family.

This leaves me with only two explanations. One: The wife has remotely, from a state away, stolen the covers. Two: Her side of the bed has somehow taken it upon itself to steal the covers for her, even though she is not here.

I don't know which answer is stranger... (more strange... however you say that).

I'm off to church [read: sweatlodge], see ya'll in the PM.

Enjoy your physio-spiritual anomalies,



Anonymous said...

Ah, ambient temperature girl -- she gets such inclinations from her mama... where IS that sweater? How nice she has such a 'creative' pardner...mama

Bpaul said...

I figured it was your genes talking :-)

4 said...

My bedmate is ectothermic as well... I love that term. Luckily she gets buried in cats, blankets, myself, etc.

Bpaul said...

There are worse fates than being bedwarmers for beautiful women, to be sure.