Saturday, November 17, 2007

Real Oregon winter day

It's noon, I'm still in slippers and sweats. Saying that "I have homework to be doing" I've realized is just redundant. I always have homework to do, even if I never slept again until finals I could keep myself busy the whole time. Take a deep breath and keep going.

What was I going to write about again? Ah yes, outside. Bright grey, windy, mid-40's, drizzling, dripping, wet uncomfortable Portland winter. Makes we want to sleep all day. Definitely doesn't lend one to feeling "peppy." I'm in good spirits, just not feeling very "A personality" this morning.

This is the weather that I prep new Oregonians for. All those Arizona/California folks who are moving here now (as I did 20 years ago), not wearing socks, insisting on jeans in the winter, expecting sun more than 3-4 days a month. This is the weather I advice they manage against.

The rap normally goes something like this: Get over the mountain at least once a month. It's cold, but it's clear and bright and there will be sun. Your Pineal needs that sun, your skin, your psyche. It's worth the gas money, just go. And, go home or to some other sunny locale for at least 4-5 days in the dead of winter, February is best. Slather yourself in sunscreen and sit by a pool or a beach and get some sun, get warmed to your bones, let the dry air dehumidify your innards. By the time spring comes you will be ready for flowers, but the nice thing about this city is, you will get them. In spades. It's always worth the wait.

Enjoy the unasked-for advice,


1 comment:

Catherine Just said...

my body got chilled to the bone reading your description of today's weather. Reminds me of trying to remain a fashionista in the dead of Portland Winter. haha. A small little leather jacket ain't workin.
augh, another body chill just rushed through me.
It's still hot here in Los Angeles. Well for us it's "cold". I do have my little leather jacket on today. But that's all I need all winter. However - the downside of the warmth is the absence of deep green explosions of trees everywhere, and flowers popping all sort of vibrant screaming colors. The up side is that I have friends in portland and vice versa so we can hop over to the other side when we need to.