Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Label Clarification -- Walrus dancing to Michael Jackson = totally random

Just to be clear -- the "Awesome" label is different from the "Total Randomness" label in this blog. Some examples: Stevie Wonder performing on Sesame Street is Awesome, this photo of my own uncle in the 70's (handlebar mustache and aviator glasses flyin') is Awesome; whereas this video of a walrus busting a move to a Michael Jackson song is totally random. You feelin' me here?

[Technical note: I'll be fixing labels in the blog archives to accurately represent this clarification of philosophy, but not until after finals are over. Check the labels in a week or so if you are interested in how it shakes down]

Enjoy your blog clarifications,


Ps: Brick House synched to Star Wars Scenes is both Awesome and Totally Random -- to further clarify.


Stu Farnham said...

Wow, and I thought I tended towards minutiose!

Bpaul said...

In this short and delicate life, it is important to be clear.


Stu Farnham said...

I completely agree.

Clear and precise.
