Monday, March 24, 2008

How to hack RFID credit cards

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology freaks a lot of people out. It is, of course, being billed as making things easier and more secure -- and of course, can easily be seen as a means by which to further centralize power and eliminate privacy.

In my ongoing campaign to (for the purposes of humor and irony only) encourage people to hack ridiculously insecure systems such as voting machines, here is a video discussing how radically insecure RFID enabled credit cards are. It takes, apparently, a little bit of technical know how and an $8 ebay purchase to grab card info from anyone you can get close to. With the right antennae, maybe anyone within 40 feet.

Check it out [I apologize for the ad in the middle of the video, I figure the info is worth the interruption].

Enjoy knowing the true loopholes in "secure and convenient" systems,



Bentley said...

I was involved in a school project for an embedded systems course in september we, did a couple of neat things, Breaking the Motorola licensing agreement by creating a program for a cell phone that within users knowledge contacted a server every 30 seconds and reported its geo location. and purchased a 20 dollar kit that would allow us to read an RFID Tag from up to 5 feet away.. we walked around for 2 weeks or so with a RFID Card in our wallets and got something like a 90% successful read rate by attaching the scanners to walls, doors, that sort of thing..

Bpaul said...

You children are our future -- I'm so proud.

*tears up*