muckinger: A pocket handkerchief.
blackwork: An undertaker's business.
No connection between these words really, just cool ones with short definitions. A muckinger is something I always carry, as well.
[From: Jeffrey Kacirk Forgotten English 2008 Calendar: A Calendar of Vanishing Vocabulary and Folklore
Enjoy reviving archaic words into current usage,
Dude, you got a spam hug!
I'm totally leaving it
Brazilian cellular, how awesome is that.
I hope this comment is likeable as well.
Some more:
Furk: to expel. to be furked is to be thrown out.( I hear another soundalike for everyone's favorite four letter Anglo-Saxonism in the making.Furk you and the horse you rode in on!)
steehopping: gadding about idly to hear or carry news.
Fukes: the hair. BPaul is losing his fukes; I have shaved mine off.
pulicosity: an abundance of fleas (as on a person or animal)
poothery: muggy or sultry, as 'poothery weather'
Estu - loving the use of the archaic "gadding about" to define steehopping!
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