Monday, March 31, 2008

World's biggest particle collider may be delayed in court

There are fears that the Large Hadron Collider, near completion on the Swiss/French border, may not be safe. The safety concerns, which this article calls "Doomsday Fears," center around 3 main situations that are potentially possible at the collider: runaway black holes, Stragelets, and magnetic monopoles.

Yes, runaway black holes -- how rad is that.

Thanks to Trappin' Pat for heads up on this article -- a little early-morning science awesomeness for ya'll.

Enjoy the possibilities of ramming minute things together at unfathomable speeds,


[photo credit in second linked article]


LT said...

Like my aunt used to say, "f the courts can't be used to stop the destruction of the universe - what good are they?"

Where'd you get that image? I snagged one from the U of B.

LT said...

Also, can you tell me how to post an image that will link to a large image like that? I've been wanting to do that. (Thanks in advance.)

Bpaul said...

Firstly: got the image from this article.

To do the link to a bigger image -- I just upload whatever image at whatever size I want onto my own computer, then use the "embed picture" icon thingy above the text box in blogger (looks like a small photo). When you use the "add an image from your computer" option on the left, uploading the image from your own computer, it's always clicky to the original size -- so just get a big original and you are golden.

If that made no sense (long day) -- let me know or email me I'll see if I can 'splain.


LT said...

Thanks much, JP. No need for Flickr at all, huh? (Or am I missing something?) Cool feature. S'gonna change the whole feel. Fun.

Thanks again.

Bpaul said...

Yeah, anymore I bypass the flicker entirely -- the pictures aren't big enough. I was worried that I'd use up all my memory space through blogger if I uploaded my own pictures, but no way -- there's tons of space.

LT said...

Hey JP, if I could bug you one more time...

I was just transferring my photos from Flickr to my hard drive and posting them therefrom and it occurred to me: what if I get a new computer? Will I have to do every photo over again?

Sorry to bother you...

Bpaul said...

No, because once they're uploaded, it's on your blogger ftp site. It's not a hotlink, like the links to flickr -- it's an actual upload held on blogger's servefarm somewhere.

So you're all good.

LT said...

DaHam. I figgered there was a problem so I just paid for the ProFlickr. Shoulda come here first. Dang.
Ah well, only $25 for a year.

I appreciate it - and damn, I just realized I've been addressing you as "JP" - had "JPaul" in my head for some reason. So, thank you, BP...

Bpaul said...

NP about the JP thing... I was taking it as John Paul, which sounded hip to me LOL!

LT said...

Cheers. Happy with the system now, and liking the small photo upper left format. It almost looks consistent or something.

I'll be reading for updates on the taser situation...

Bpaul said...

Pissed to the point of being inarticulate right now about the taser thing. I had a hell of a time stringing that post together.

You will be hearing more about it I guarantee it.