How materialistic shopping madness happened this day. First -- take the car in, turns out the thing we need fixed we don't need fixed -- boom, saved $250 right off the bat. How must I respond to this revelation so early in the morning? Get off my ass and replace the stolen camera. T. was pleased about this, as he wants to get on archiving this year's garden decisions. With spring spronging, I've seen so many photo ops it's not funny, so this will be a good move. There are some cat dynamics that will just be easier to address with photos as well. Hard to plunk down another 300-some-odd dollars, even though I know some of it was covered by insurance. C'est la Vie.
While I was online, I decided to replace my favorite t-shirt of all time. My original t-shirt is a victim of the Wife's theory of not separating colors in the laundry as long as you wash in cold. (She's pretty and all, but sometimes, GEEZ -- I kid, I kid). I buy the shirt from a Native American source, because the image isn't trademarked and sells so well that everyone and their uncle now prints them.
Update on the ants, almost all gone already -- go genocide.
More later, enjoy your day.
the shirt!
I'm glad to hear you're replacing it. ;)
My eye on another one, probably will throw it up in a post if I decide to take the plunge. LOL.
love that shirt, and i love that the wife has that really interesting idea about laundry.....but i must keep mouth shut. she is helping me with mocs for the desert.................
Wow, maybe I can get in on some of those moc sessions and get mine made too!
ya, would be fun
That shirt is sold on the website of one of my favorite artists, Dana Lyons: Environmental Activist/Singer/
Songwriter/Vegan. Saw him with one of my Vegan friends.
Hello lil' lady. Cool you recognized the piece, I love it myself.
I like it too!
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