Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jim Gaffigan makes a good point about being on Campus for Halloween

So it's Halloween. I would have missed it if I weren't in school and/or wasn't in a house with an 8-year-old.

Seeing some of the costumes that showed up on campus today reminded me about this Jim Gaffigan skit on holidays. He talks about other holidays before and after all hallow's eve, but he's funny so it's worth the wait to find out what I'm talking about [at around 2:30 or so].

[Youtube removed this video on me some time today... click HERE to see it on another site]

Enjoy your sightseeing,



Anonymous said...

who's your 8yr old? Pootie?? he dressing up for hallow's end again?? hahahha

Bpaul said...

Yeah, I needed to rework that sentence. It is Doc Ock's kid, squirt.

I'm taking him up to Redwind this weekend actually, run him around with the dogs and woods and geese and chickens. He'll be pooped out by lunchtime.