Monday, October 8, 2007

Two weekends off take their toll -- quiz becomes rectal exam

Oh yeah, completely failed a quiz today in organic chemistry. One weekend out of town in the beginning of the semester was doable (Luddite Wedding), this second weekend (Cousin Wedding) got me where it hurts -- just too much time off. Luckily you can drop one quiz grade every term (semester, term, quarter... whatever they are here), so that will be my one.

Failing is kind of like breaking a leg or getting a rectal exam -- before it happens you are all freaked out, but after the experience the worst part was really the anticipation. After that, it's a short sharp shock and then just time to heal. No big.

Enjoy your life endeavors,



Iciyapi Tate said...

dude that is rough...

Bpaul said...

It'll be fine.

Just a bump in the road and all that rot. Needed to de stress it by chatting about it is all.

Bentley said...

Weekends really screw me up aswell :( i think the more time i have ahead of me to study (or laze around) the more likely i am to get nothing accomplished, even if i am well meaning... which sucks!

4 said...

Dude. Are you getting any weird traffic spikes from the term "Rectal Exam"?

Bpaul said...

Wow good point. I'll have to keep an eye on that, that's hilarious.

So far, it's the normal fluctuations. Over time I bet it will add up tho.
