Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Percussion Performance: music for one apartment and six drummers

Doc Ock turned me on to this amazing video. It's 9 minutes long, and worth every minute, every room just gets better.

Enjoy your musical oddities,



Anonymous said...

I love it just because it strikes me a computer would never 'think' of doing such a thing -- thanks, nancy

plus, I feel so pleased I can comment' now, thanks to your help -- isn't it strange that 'obvious' is never really obvious except in hindsight?

A.Stock said...

Brilliant. And to think: my parents made me play outside in the hot-ass Florida summer sun during my childhood every time i did this at home. I'll bet they didn't know the depth of talent they were stifling.

Anyone wanna come over and recreate this?

Bpaul said...

I got chastized for "percussing" constantly on anything as a kid as well.

Yep lets do this... it will probably be summer before it happens, (maybe x-mas break) but I know where you live, so it's all good.