Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Project Hamad, and the culture of fear

I received a newsletter from Project Hamad yesterday asking folks to start a letter writing campaign to this Guantanamo Bay internee.

Was my first reaction "great idea, I'll get right on it! I want to help this guy and all the other illegally detained people there." No, my first reaction was "I wonder what list THAT will put me on -- and how long before the government starts harassing me."

That first thought is the triumph of the neo fascists in power right now. Am I going to write the letter? Hell yes I'm going to write the letter, and many more. But I had to talk myself into it -- talk myself into exposing myself to the illegal and immoral aspects of our government.

I know many, many people my own age -- intelligent, compassionate people -- who won't do this. "It's just not worth the risk." Is the most common response. These are people who in other areas of their life show initiative, outside-the-box thinking, and a reasonable amount of historical perspective. But, they're cowed. They're scared. What an accomplishment for the current Junta. What an amazing accomplishment.

Employ what's left of your civil liberties,


1 comment:

Stu Farnham said...

While I am no fan of the current administration, they only differ in degree for their recent predecessors. The erosion of civil liberties in this country has a long and inglorious history.
Remember (well, probably not) the McCarthy hearings? Nixon's "enemies list"? The widespread surveillance of whomever the director pleased by Hoover's FBI?
More recently, do you remember how silent the voices of dissent were in the early days of the so-called war on terror (mine included)?
Fear is a divide-and conquer strategy. The more of us speak up, the safer it will be for all to exercise their freedom.