Sunday, July 1, 2007

T. quotes from the week

T., my roommate and best friend, has an incredibly dry wit. Some of the comments he offhandedly pops off just crack us up, so I thought I'd jot them down and once I got 3-4, start sharing them in the blog. Here is the first installment.

Animal Documentary Narrator:

"...and it is the single young males that are the most dangerous."

T., almost wistful.



T. looking out over the back garden {snickering}:

"I'm going for shafts of color. Big vertical SHAFTS of color all over the yard."


T. lounging in the living room taking a lunch break, Sunday afternoon after a hard day of yard work:

"When the idea of 'exercise' comes to mind right now, it is always accompanied by laughter. Every time."

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