Sunday, June 29, 2008

What it looks like to crack open a beehive in a house wall

Here is a T.V. interview of some folks who had an enormous bee hive inside a wall of their house. They noticed the hive when the honey started seeping through the wall. You can see the size of the combs when the beekeepers are removing them -- very impressive. Apparently, all it took was a little gap in a bad siding job to give the bees the entrance they needed to go to work.

The owners were cool, and made sure the bees weren't destroyed.

Enjoy food building up inside your home unannounced,



Chuck Butcher said...

I once tore off and re-roofed a house with the entire 2nd story infested. I instructed my workers to absolutely not kill or otherwise interfere with any bee and no one got stung. This is a noisy and very obvious process involving removing old comp shingles and wood shingles and re-sheeting the roof and comping over that.

The owners simply kept the 2nd floor door shut at all times and lived with the bees. You could feel the entire house vibrate from the buzzing of cooling. I don't think I'd reccommend having an entire 2nd story as a hive complex but honey bees are pretty reasonable creatures to get along with.

Bpaul said...

What a trip. I can't imagine someone being that mellow about giving up so much of their house to insects.

Was this in in the Pacific N.W.?