Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Fall -- if you are a film freak you'd better find it on a big screen

The Wife and I snuck off to a movie last night of her choosing -- and she chose very well. We saw The Fall, directed by Tarsem Singh.

It turns out we were going to a film, as opposed to a movie. A film, in that every image had resonance on multiple levels. Every shot was thought out, and vibrated off the screen if you let it. We both really enjoyed it.

The story itself is simple, if unexpectedly gritty toward the end. A suicidal man bonds with a little girl in a hospital, and gets her to steal for him. Not a huge pull there. But the relationship that develops is more interesting than one would expect.

And then there's the little girl. She's absolutely mesmerizing. She's cute beyond belief, but not in some Disney way. You have to see her, she grabs the screen with nearly every scene she's in.

If you are into over-the-top visuals, this movie is for you. For any of you unfortunate enough enough to see Singh's first movie The Cell, generally considered all glisten and no substance, consider this movie the best parts of that project (the outlandishly garish, beautiful dream imagery) with a better story line. Not a perfect movie, by any means, but so worth seeing I'll let you figure out the flaws on your own.

This is the first movie I've seen in over 8 years that I've considered buying [whups, maybe 7 years]. And I just might.

I'll close with a quote by Tasha Robinson, from her The A.V. Club review of this film, "It's the most glorious, wonderful mess put onscreen since Terry Gilliam's Brazil."

Oh, and I give it an A-.

Enjoy catching a good one once and a while,



Kate said...

Bizarre....Rob and I saw this last night as well, and I had been planning to email you today to tell you to go see it while it was still in theatre =)
Absolutely loved it.

Bpaul said...

Apparently it was date night LOL.

Yeah, right up your alley, I figured you'd like it.

I think I'm going to see it again in a bit with some friends, if you want I'll call you.

Kate said...


Dani said...

I've been wanting to see this movie since I'd first heard of it, which seems like ages ago...I think production stalled at one point.

Anyways, it's not playing in Vic...I'm kind of ticked. Gah! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, I'll definitely pick it up as soon as it's available.

Bpaul said...

It took like 4 years to make, because Tarsem Singh ended up financing it himself.

I'm sure you'll like it. Pretty much up your alley.

Kate said...

yeah, see it on the best TV you can Dani.....the sets and scenery are just gorgeous.

Stu Farnham said...

Sounds like a cross between "Pan's Labyrinth" and "The Fisher King". I'll have to check it out, prolly on DVD as it does not sound like a film that will play in the 8-plex here in WW.