Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Putin: Virile Vampire

The phrase grabbed me, and wouldn't let go. Vladmir Putin, the Virile Vampire, how awesome is that?

And the picture, topless with army fatigues on -- take that Bush and your codpiece-like flight-suit photo, you simply ain't no virile Vampire, no way, no how.

Bathe in the awesomeness of the Russian Press,


[photo credit in linked article]


Dani said...

"A great deal of attention was given to Ludmila Putin, his wife who won praise for her ability to "cook, clean and knit".

Quoting a German friend, Mrs Putin reportedly praised the prime minister as a model husband because he did not beat her, but also noted that he was an unemotional "vampire" who "sucked all the juices" out of her."


Kate said...

lol....beat me to it Dani, I wanted to copy paste that portion too.....O.o

Chuck Butcher said...


Bpaul said...

I freaking love that website Dani, where else could you get such commentary. Amazing.