Sunday, June 15, 2008

More talk of a Water run car -- this has an encouraging twist

So far, all the talk I've seen about water-run cars has centered around using distilled water to extend the life of an externally-charged battery system. Basically using the water as a battery for an electric car. It was always billed at "fuel" but really it was more like a battery.

I don't know about this new technology being presented in the video yet, but there is one huge element that's encouraging. It apparently would run on sea water. Now if that's true, we have something. We really have something.

If the water fuel has to be clean, drinkable water -- then I say the technology is useless to us. Water is the next oil, people are already feeling that -- no need to push that curve even further. But sea water as fuel, now we're talking.

I haven't done the research on this car, but wanted to present the video and ask anyone to check it out in more depth and report back.

Enjoy keeping in touch with claims of new fuel sources without getting all freaky about it,


[via media monarchy]


John Prue said...

Whoa, this is amazing. This is the dream of most of us. And now it's true. It saves our pockets and it saves the environment. I hope the mass production of this car will be all good. Thumbs-up for this! :)

Bpaul said...

Glad you found the post and enjoyed it, sir.
