Saturday, June 28, 2008

Town of Ron Paulist separatists?

Oh my, this should be interesting. Apparently a group of ardent Ron Paul devotees are creating their own little town in Texas. Nothing like folks gathering together in small, opinionated groups and shunning outsiders. Always healthy for a society (not).

Ron Paul doesn't support the idea.

I can understand their frustration, and hell I think we all do some version of walling ourselves off from the culture at large by having our tight social circles, but I did find this article a bit worrisome. The analysis by The Economist author has some interesting points and is worth reading.

Enjoy everyone's preparations for resistance,



Marty said...

I think this is a wacked idea also, but...

oh crap

Off to leave more smartass comment-bombs
for BP to find when he gets back.

Bpaul said...

LOL, what can I say I live in "little Beirut" -- the spirit of protest is strong here.