Monday, February 25, 2008

Little Dudes: Clemmys marmorata -- Western Pond Turtle

There has been a turtle sighting at The Luddites' pond in The Shire. We are hoping (and descriptions indicate) that it was a Western Pond Turtle. These handsome little dudes are considered "sensitive" in Oregon, and are more rare as you head North. Eugene seems to be an oft-mentioned breaking point where the turtles begin to show a marked decline in numbers as you travel North.

The introduction of the locally destructive-yet-tasty Bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) is often noted as a major detriment to Western Pond Turtle populations in the West. Habitat destruction, as usual, is the most obvious and impactful element hurting this Little Dude though. Gigging up and eating some Bullfrogs (be sure of your identification if you choose to be a biological vigilante, which I highly encourage) sure wouldn't hurt.

So, time will tell -- The Luddite and Mrs. Luddite are quite excited about the prospect of rare animals on their property and have promised to keep me updated.

Enjoy the uncommon sightings,



Stu Farnham said...

Hmmm. The wife of a friend is a herpetologist living in Portland. She got her master's about 10 years ago and, as I recall, her master's thesis involved the analysis of the stomach contnts of turtles in Smith & Bybee Lakes. I could have sworn she studied Western Painted Turtles.

Bpaul said...

I'd love to have tea with this person.

Bpaul said...

... hint hint, infer infer

Stu Farnham said...

I'm sorry, did you say something?