Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Talk to any cop or emergency ward nurse and you'll hear stories about how crazy things get when there is a full moon.

In my case, I only feel some of the full moons -- strongest maybe 1 in 3. This one seems to be a doozie, I didn't sleep hardly at all last night, and I have This Horrible Song stuck in my head. What the hell kind of karma am I paying off anyway? What ever could I have done to deserve that -- must've been bad.

Now I get to wander around the park blocks for a few hours in between classes, dazed from sleep deprivation, and try to enjoy the beautiful weather and change of season. Strong sun and leafless trees are quite a combination... you know the sap is rising now.

Enjoy the lack of horrible '70's pop playing in your head,



Kate said...

oh FFS.....I didn't even notice it was full moon.
I guess that would explain the night I had at work >.<

redshoes said...

Full lunar eclipse tommorow.
Hope it's clear!

Katye said...

You crack me up! Casey and the Sunshine band...priceless!

Bpaul said...

I don't make this stuff up -- it's torture LOL

I expect pictures of it's clear Little Red shoes :-)

Stu Farnham said...

(OK, forgive me in advance for doing this, but it is my beady eyed, pasty faced, tight assed New Englander OCD nature -- the correct name is "K.C. and the Sunshine Band", one of the many insults committed on my ears by 1970s radio. That I remember them at all, let alone K.C. versus Casey, is another mark of my odd nervous system and the space put to poor use in my brain. So is the fact that I needed to mention it at all.)

There, I feel better.

It's odd that you should mention this. Yesterday I was plagued by the song "Edelweiss" from "The Sound of Music". Could not get it to go away. The electrician was here wrapping up and laughed at me when I walked past, unconscious of the fact that I was whistling the ghastly thing.

On a related note, there was a time when I was into theater. I was in a skit comedy show, and a friend oy mine and I dressed up in liederhosen and full Bavarian regalia and sang 'Edelweiss' on stage in a two man Rockettes-like chorus line.

There's a picture you don't want to pack around all day.

Marty said...

At Xmas time I got "Hippomotamus for Christmas" stuck.....

A friend and I called this Manilowism, because chances were if you heard a Barry Manilow song early in the morning(say from your clock radio) it would haunt you the rest of the day.

Try it out. Write "Mandy" down on a piece of paper and put it next to your bed. Look at it the next morning. What a way to start a day.

Bpaul said...

I won't... I will not try that out. You are a sadistic man for even suggesting it.

Oh man, if that song gets stuck in my head I'm going to be forced to fly out there and beat you with a Sade album.

Stu Farnham said...

I once had to call Sony technical support on a weekend. I was on hold for over 3 hours, and the music track their system played was all Neil Diamond and Barry Manilow. I swear it was intended to make people go away.