Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Accursed bug

People love telling you how miserable you are going to be when you get the latest bug. My lawyer friend, when I described my strep-like symptoms two weeks ago and the fever said, "oh, you'll be miserable for at least 3 weeks, I know this one I had it a month ago." I blew him off.

But here I am 2 weeks later, low level sore throat and what amounts to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I'm going nuts. This is almost week two with no yoga and no Qi Gong. I'm getting grumpy and negative and antsy enough to chew my own foot off.

I'm countering it right now as though it's a virus, so am using Sambucol. After a couple days of treatment, it's not budging (whereas in the past, Sambucol has kicked the crap out of my other winter colds). If in another day it's not eased off I'm going to add my dreaded bacterial-infection attack: 2 garlic cloves, minced fine; 1000mg of vitamin C powder; juice of one fresh-squeezed lemon, and 1/4 tsp of Cayenne pepper -- 2-3 times a day. Why hadn't I just done this right away, you ask? In addition to the Sambucol? My scientific habit got the better of me and I wanted to separate them a bit to possibly isolate which one was the effective treatment. What can I say.

Enjoy not having this thing that's eating me,



Anonymous said...

I've got KID immunity! I've been inoculated by fire from Aurelia's 2-5 years so now I haven't been sick (beyond an annual winter cold) for a few years. Before Aurelia, I was a germ-phobe and scurried away from sick people, now I just look at sick people with bored reptilian pity.

Bpaul said...

"bored reptilian pity"

LOL! Laughed loud enough in the computer lab to embarrass myself when I read that, hilarious.

Children, while cute, are lumped together in my mind with rats and cockroaches via their potential as disease vectors. The urchins.

Anonymous said...

Add alittle honey to your concoction, BP, and you'll have an old mountain receipe on your side. They substituted apple cider vinegar for lemons and clean thoughts & a nap for the Vit c. yer va momma

Bpaul said...

Oh twist my arm, honey eh? I'll have to do that.

Unknown said...

I had the same bloody thing. The only thing that'd take the pain out of my throat was Neo-citrin.

I hated it :P i hatehate when things sit in my throat.