Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Garlic Destruction" (tm) appears to be working

With only my second dose under the belt, it appears that the Garlic Destruction drink is working on this accursed bug. Simple recipie: juice of one lemon, fresh squeezed; 2 garlic cloves freshly minced, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper stirred vigorously into above mixture. Down quickly after introducing the cayenne pepper so it won't rehydrate and burn ya.

After only two doses my energy level is improving, which leads me to think this bug was bacterial in nature. The Sambucol had little effect.

Enjoy using yourself for health experimentation,



Stu Farnham said...

You omitted the boav from the ingredients

Bpaul said...

I'll bite.... what's a boav?

(not Backpacker's Alliance of Victoria I'm sure)

Stu Farnham said...

Blood of a virgin.

You knew that.

Bpaul said...


Nah, use eye of newt instead... easier to get nowadays.

Katye said...


Stu Farnham said...

That would be us, Miz Mamzelle Katye.

nolocontendere said...

I chomp on a handful of raw garlic each and every day and haven't had a cold or flu in 7 or 8 years.
Or much of a social life either I guess...