Sunday, May 25, 2008

Amazing -- video of that fluish bug I contracted over a month ago and isn't still quite gone yet

Amazing that someone caught this bacteria, or virus, or combo of the two on video. So many people have contracted it, and it's taking approximately 4 weeks for most folks to even moderately recover. It's a real bastard.

See video below of what a person looks like the first 3-4 days after contracting the "black plague" this spring flu season.

Notice, specifically, that dazed, that-really-hurt look in his eyes right after contact. That's me, the whole last month, every day.

Enjoy scientific accuracy whenever you can find it.



Chuck Butcher said...

I resolutely skipped the video the first read, and then like a car wreck on the highway - I had to look.

Bpaul said...

Hehe, made ya look.

Stu Farnham said...

Oh, poor little fellow doesn't feel good. Mommy kiss it and make it better?

Bpaul said...

That's the compassion and understanding that my close friends are famous for, that right there.

Stu Farnham said...

You can feel the love, cantchya?