Friday, May 2, 2008

Tony Robbins -- the guy we love to hate

I was turned on to this talk by Tony Robbins -- yes THAT Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker guy, by Stu. I, like many others I suppose, have stuck this guy in a bin with any number of other popular-but-wacko-and-lacking-depth personalities over the years. I won't make a list, because I don't want to offend. But most folks I know detest this type of thing, and at the least look askance at Mr. Robbins. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I watched this video.

As a side bonus, there is an absolute classic moment where he banters with Gore in the audience, and a one-liner that you will be able to keep forever. Just hilarious.

Worth your 22 minutes. I'm not going to run out and buy his tapes or anything, but it's a good watch, I assure you.

Enjoy getting past unfounded prejudices,



Stu Farnham said...

I try, and often fail, to remind myself that everyone has something to say if you will stop to listen. As it turns out, I needed to hear what Robbins had to say on the day that I came across this clip. Had I followed my bias and turned away, I would have missed an important and well-timed nudge in the right direction.

The only way to clear the cowebs out of your head is to keep an open mind.


Anonymous said...

I have read one of his books and listened to a tape series 3 or 4 times (it’s a month long class that helps set goals and has been good to revisit & reset). His work is very good but like most things positive it is easy to make fun of. It’s kinda like art: is much easier to create a polemic that is considered “serious and worthy,” but much trickier to create something positive, happy, or feel good without being saccharine.

Bpaul said...

I agree sir.