Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Senioritis: a reality even two decades later

Senioritis has hit. My graduation date is only two months away, if that. I had a rough round of first tests, so a sparkling clean 4.0 this term seems impossible (thought might not be), which aggravates my symptoms.

Wikipedia states that some of the symptoms of senioritis include:
slowness, procrastination, apathy regarding school work, a feeling of entitlement or privilege and a tendency toward truancy, increased drug use, malingering or feigning illness in order to avoid presence in a school setting, cognitive impairments, and changes in sleep patterns.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Enjoy recognizing those things that change, and those things that stay the same,



msherm said...


We should start club.

Bpaul said...

Done and done.

I'll think of activities soonish.

When's the next visit? hehe

Anonymous said...

I wish i had the time to join the club!

LT said...

Keep on, young old man, keep on.