Friday, April 11, 2008

Barry White on Burt Sugarman's Midnight Special

Barry White performing Can't Get Enough of your Love Babe in 1974. The outfit and the hair are, again, just superb in this video. And who can't use a little Belly Rubbing Music (tm) on a Friday eh?

Ps: Is that the Wolfman who flashes on the screen for an instant at the beginning, introducing Barry? Sure looks like it.

Enjoy musical romantic entreaties performed in velvet and rhinestones,



Anonymous said...

With guys like Barry White it's not just the music, it's the rap (old sense) that goes along with it:

"You know, I've heard people say that too much of anything is no good for you, but I don't know about that. Many times we've shared love, it's just never enough."

I can't think of Barry without also thinking of Isaac Hayes. This clip is long but it's worth it:

Lynette said...

Thanks for this bit of romance and Barry White, especially today on the 25th anniversary of my husband's death because I needed to relive those memories of our romance of a little over 10 years.

Bpaul said...

You are most welcome Lynette.