Wednesday, September 26, 2007

This should only take a minute.

Amnesty International has started a website to go after Guantanamo Bay directly. It is starting as a petition campaign and will proceed from there. If you read the Wolf article below, you understand what this place really means. This is a quick one-minute action you can take to stand on the right side of things.

I'll mellow the pace of political talk on the blog soon, but right now this stuff is really in my face and I feel impelled to respond, even in small ways.

Enjoy the small things, especially the ones that work,



Shocho said...

Amen, brother. My pixel is signed.

Bpaul said...

Man, read or watch anything Wolf has done regarding this book and things become awfully clear. I just watched the Colbert interview:

And transcript of her debate with Alan Wolfe, part 1: and part 2:

I have to stop reading and get to school now.