Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dutchtub wood-fired hot tub

I just thought it was awesome and wanted to show it to ya'll. Don't know if you could consider it "green" or eco or anything like that, but the design is so great I thought it deserved mention. Plus, you can cook over the fire that's heating the water, there's a multi-use bonus that slides it into "a bit more green" territory, right? Also, as you can see, it's quite portable.

Here is the website for Dutchtub, which has a nice opening slideshow upon which to gaze. And here is a video (with links to more) on youtube showing it all fired up.

Enjoy simple ideas put into elegant designs,



Contributing Author said...

This is awesome idea for a hot tub spa. I love that you can transport it on your canoe. Hopefully you don't run into white water.

Anonymous said...

I really like that idea, and will be sure to check out their website. Wasn't a lot of bubbling action going on in the video though!