Sunday, January 4, 2009

Algae farming and biofuel production

I'm cleaning out old emails. Way way back, I received this video about farming algae for biofuels. The presentation is by Glen Kertz of Valcent products. He makes some huge claims, which to me are encouraging. Not because they're necessarily feasible, but because if he's even 100% off in his estimates, it still looks to be a good deal.

One of the claims is that using 1/10th of the land in New Mexico, the U.S. could fulfill all its energy needs with just algae production.

Kertz states that an acre of corn produces 18 gallons of oil per year, palm produces 700 - 800 gallons, algae up to 20,000 gallons per acre per year. And, that's not using a vertical grow greenhouse system, which Valcent calls a High Density Vertical Bioreactor.

Here is an embed of the above video, I'll let Kertz speak for himself:

Enjoy keeping abreast of developments that could help diversify our energy sources,



Ecacofonix said...


Thanks for a nice post.

Glen Kurtz and his company Valcent are fairly well known in the algae to energy industry. Yes, some of his company's claims - especially with regard to yields of algae per hectare from their bioreactor - are controversial. I'm not saying they are false, just that it is a bit too early to say they are right

I agree with you on one thing - let's hope for all our benefit that he is right. Or even 10% right.

Algae are the most attractive feedstock to make diesel (and also gasoline, ethanol and more). But there are huge challenges along the way..let's hope these challenges get resolved...

I represent Oilgae and we are a premier resource online for all info on energy from algae. We also have come out with a comprehensive report on algae energy (more on that from here )

Thanks once again for the post, and here's wishing you a very prosperous 2009!

Anonymous said...

Thanks very much for your post and your mentioning of Valcent is much appreciated.

We are indeed alive and well over here and as confident as ever since we started out. The alternative energy industry is growing, yet so are the options for algae biofuels considering the important benefits it promotes towards healthy and self sustaining economies.

Thanks to you as well "Oilage" for your comments.
We've been monitoring your website as well and think you do a great job of current and topical subject within the oil-algae world.

We would love for you guys to come check out Valcent's new blog:
Please feel free to post comments and thoughts or just pop by to see our newest developments and/or recent featured articles.
Look forward to hopefully hearing from you on the blog!
All the best,

Jessica Brock