Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trovants: stones that grow

Ever heard of a Trovant? Me either.

They are called the "growing stones" of Romania. Check out this cool Environmental Graffiti post about them. When they get rained on, they grow and morph into weird sculpture-like shapes. Apparently, there is often a "brain-like" look to the top of the stones. That's not creepy at all, really.

Make sure to click on the slideshow to see a number of different examples.

Enjoy nature sneaking up on you in the most surprising ways,


[via "Yuri," photo credit in linked article]


Michelle De Lude said...

AWESOME. One of my favorite places with weird geography is Mono Lake, which has tufa towers. The trovants are completely different, but they have a similar sort of alien vibe to them.

Bpaul said...

Tufa towers may be different, but they've also got a bitching name and are another natural way art is made.

Too cool.

Bpaul said...

Oh and welcome!