Hello all,
I believe its time to put this blog to rest. I'm going to pursue other writing projects. I appreciate all the feedback and banter and friends this blog has generated. I will be staying in touch with my "blog friends" despite halting posts on this web site.
I'm going to keep the site up, as at this point I can see folks are enjoying the archives and I still get comments from long-past posts that confirm this.
[photo credit, Wiki Commons]
Bummer! =o( It will be very missed. I'm not much on commenting but I am a regular reader and your blog is one of my favorites.
Enjoy the new pursuits!
Same, been reading this blog for a while now and have really enjoyed it. You helped convince me to become a beekeeper!
DC -- thanks for the props. I'm glad you got enjoyment from the blog. I check in with you on a regular basis as well, my wife introduced me, she's a big fan.
Marc -- I'm psyched you have taken up bees that's great. I hadn't reported it, but I'm taking one year off beekeeping because I lost my hive this winter and was in full-on infant mode when the time came round to set a new hive. I'm definitely going to start up again next year, I really love working with them. I find them calming and interesting.
Not names I expected to pop up when I said goodbye, it's heartwarming. There are tons and tons of archives so ya'll have plenty of reading left to do, this site isn't going anywhere.
Thanks again,
Best wishes to you, Bpaul. I hope to see you in other venues.
! I forgot to click the 'subscribe' button.
Dale, I'll be in touch. I think tea/lunch with my blog buddies who are local is called for.
Too bad, I really enjoyed your blog. I have to admit I think of moving on to other writing projects myself, so I understand. Best to you and your bees. I'm up to 12 colonies this year, four more than I really wanted.
Thanks, I'll be in touch.
Well, that stinks. What about your blogging friends who are farther away? I'm new, I understand, but still...
Josh, your comment didn't come up but I'll be on your blog commenting on a regular basis, no worries at all.
Remember the archives, they're deep.
Thanks for the time you've held this together and the enjoyment I've gotten. I'll see you around.
Mr. Butcher, I will be in touch regarding that beverage we'll have together at some point.
A. Stock, hows things??
Thanks for sharing such a useful information and its nice that sharing with everyone.
- Web Development Company
Well dang, bp, you will be missed. You are a special, gentle, friendly, smart, fascinating and fascinated place in the world of blogs - and lord knows all of those things are desperately needed. I wish you very well, and hope we communicate in the future.
Well hell, thanks sir.
I'm definitely going to be in touch, I am a subscriber of yours.
Some day, we'll have coffee, or tea, or beer or whatnot. It'll happen, watch.
Well, I hope so. But pretty soon it'll have to be in Sydney...
Wow, I've always wanted to visit Australia. Permanent vacation?
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