Thursday, April 29, 2010

Little Dudes: Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum)

Michael Durham Photography has a plethora of great wildlife photos posted on his blog, which I encourage you to check out. This post with the Spotted Bat really caught my attention.

Here are some of the photos, click here for the rest. Oh and remember you can click on the photos to get bigger versions.

Enjoy little spotted furry flying dudes,


[all picture credits at Michael Durham's site]

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sea Lion Crittercam

Some really great crittercam footage of Australian Sea Lions cruising around, and most importantly, attacking large octopi. Bad. Ass.

Enjoy watching animals do their thing,


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday Morning Awesome: Hi Res Bugs

You know you need a one-stop shop for all your high-res, ginormous bug photo needs. Here it is, a great collection on Flickr for your Entymological pleasure.

If you click on any of the pictures, above the display is a little text link called "all sizes." It is there that you can get the big, juicy pictures you need to create wallpaper and screen savers with.

No no, you don't have to thank me, really.

Some pictures from the collection to whet your whistle:

Enjoy getting up close and personal with some bugs,


[link via my Ex-Pat Canukistani Uncle Ted]